Artificial Intelligence
Course Page
Course Schedule and Lecture Slides
Week 1
Introduction to Artificial intelligence
Evolution of AI
Week 2:
First Order Logic
Inferences in First Order Logic
Assignment 1
Week 3:
Propositional Logic Vs. First Order Logic
Expert Systems
Week 4:
Forward and Backward Chaining
Assignment 2
Conflict Resolution
Week 5:
Knowledge Representation
Uncertainty management in expert systems
Week 6:
Exam 1
Week 7:
Mid-Fall Recess! October 5-6
Software Security (Part 3)
Hands-on Experiment 1
Week 8:
Search Algorithms
Heuristic Search
Week 9:
Genetic Algorithm
Hands-on Experiment 2
Week 10:
Swarming Algorithms ( Part 1)
Swarming Algorithms (Part 2)
Week 11:
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
Hands-on Experiment 3
Week 12:
Fuzzy Logic (Member Ship Function)
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
Week 13:
Student Presentations
Student Presentations
Week 14:
Student Presentations
Student Presentations
Week 15:
ThanksGiving Break!
Week 16:
Final Review
Final Review
Final Exam
Course Syllabus (PDF)
Assignments and Hands-on Experiments
Due in two weeks
In class submission
Hands-on Experiment
Due in two weeks
Online Submission
Assignments: 10%
Hands-on: 25%
Student Presentations: 20%
Exam 1: 20%
Final Exam: 20%
Class Participation: 5%
Grading Policy:
A 90% and above
A- 87 - 89%
B+ 84 - 86%
B 78 - 83%
B- 75 - 77%
C+ 72 - 74%
C 63 - 71%
C- 60 - 62%
D+ 57 - 59%
D 52 - 56%
D- 50 - 51%
F - Below 50%
Negnevitsky, M., 2005. Artificial intelligence: a guide to intelligent systems. Pearson education.
Ross TJ. Fuzzy logic with engineering applications. New York: Wiley; 2004 .
Demuth, H.B., Beale, M.H., De Jess, O. and Hagan, M.T., 2014. Neural network design. Martin Hagan.
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms — Including Example Code, by Vijini Mallawaarachchi , 2017
Artificial Neural Networks Applications and Algorithms by Navdeep Singh Gill